
研究部 支持和促进佛罗里达大西洋研究, creative and scholarly activities by providing faculty tools and resources to be competitive, 确定研究的战略方向, ensuring responsible research practices and communicating the importance of research within and beyond the university. 除了, the division oversees four university-wide research institutes and is responsible for 经济 development and entrepreneurial activities involving faculty, 工作人员, 学生和更广泛的大学社区.



负责研究的副总统办公室 制定大学研究的总体战略方向. It supervises all of the research administration and 经济 development units in the division. 除了, the office manages administration and operations for the division and serves as a central point of contact.

研究发展处 帮助教师寻找资金,建立团队和加强提案. 的 office identifies opportunities to address National Science Foundation broader impacts criterion. 编辑服务也可用.

赞助项目办公室 is the central office for the submission of research, training and community service proposals. 它管理提案, 合同, sub-awards, 资助协议和对教员的研究相关培训, 员工和研究管理员.

出口管制办公室 provides information and guidance to faculty and 工作人员 regarding export control regulations and provides assistance when traveling internationally

科研诚信办公室 administers key research-related assurance and compliance programs required by federal and state agencies. Its responsibilities include the university’s human subjects research protections program, 动物护理和使用项目和财务利益冲突项目.

比较医学办公室 负责所有动物护理和在大学的研究使用. 它提供采购, 畜牧业, 兽医护理, rodent breeding colony management and scientific/technical support 服务 for both wildlife and laboratory animal species. 的 office also reviews and monitors all animal care and use protocols and training for animal use.

科技发展办公室 protects faculty interests while advancing discoveries towards commercial development. 该办公室帮助指导申请专利的过程, 同时透过授权,促进与业界的合作, 赞助的研究和新的合资协议.

会计研究办公室 manages and monitors financial compliance required by government and private agencies and foundations for all Florida Atlantic sponsored projects. 它建立了新的拨款账户, 发票的赞助商, 准备所需的财务报告并完成已完成的赞助项目. 该办公室还提供与合规性相关主题的指导.

研究传播处 促进FAU的研究和学术活动, disseminating news and information about Florida Atlantic research to internal and external audiences through a variety of channels. It also supports Florida Atlantic researchers by providing information about the division’s 服务 and programs.

博士后事务办公室 assists postdoctoral fellows and associates to reach their career goals by offering training, 咨询, 资源和社交机会.

研究财务办公室 管理该部门的预算和四个农大研究机构的预算. 另外, 它为该部门的非营利性直接支持组织管理财务, KU体育官网APP研究公司.

佛罗里达大西洋研究核心项目 manages University-wide federally compliant centralized shared research resources as cost centers that provide fee-for-service access to technology, 设备, 服务, and training that are not typically affordable by a single researcher and are valuable to multiple investigators.


Florida Atlantic faculty are engaged in a broad spectrum of research from the cellular level through to animal models and clinical trials. We have four university-wide research institutes — known as FAU’s research institutes — that focus on core research strengths:

  • 传感与嵌入式网络系统工程研究所( 我感觉 )
  • 人类健康和疾病干预研究所( I-Health )
  • 佛罗里达大西洋斯泰尔斯-尼科尔森大脑研究所( 大脑 )
  • 佛罗里达大西洋港分所海洋研究所( HBOI )


该部门鼓励来自佛罗里达大西洋学院的创新, 工作人员, 学生和社区倡议可以导致创业企业.

与技术发展办公室合作, 下面的程序提供了创建的帮助, 培育和发展初创公司.

企业参与办公室 connects Florida Atlantic researchers with potential industry partners in order to establish research collaborations. 的 office serves as a one-stop shop for companies to draw on a wider array of resources and 服务 that Florida Atlantic provides, from student internships to executive training and from the use of advanced 设备 to establishing research 合同.

佛罗里达大西洋科技跑道 serves as an early-stage business incubator/accelerator facility and program for the entire university system. Companies who qualify may access working space, early-stage capital, grant funding and mentorship. 他们还获得了创业指导, 市场营销协助和优先获得技术活动. 企业家来自教职员工、学生、校友和社区.

佛罗里达州小企业发展中心(SBDC)在佛罗里达大西洋 offers high-level consulting and training to small and medium size businesses in Broward and Palm Beach counties. 它帮助企业家在商业生命周期的每个阶段, 提供免费的专业服务,以满足他们的需求.

佛罗里达大西洋研究园区 promotes scientific research and development in affiliation with KU体育官网APP, to foster 经济 development and broaden the 经济 base of Broward and Palm Beach counties. 它是众多科技公司和研究型组织的所在地.

全球伙伴关系办公室 seeks to establish research partnerships with international universities that involve collaborative research, 教师和学生交流以及组织专题研讨会. 的 office connects individual researchers and research teams with their counterparts in countries across the globe. In order to ensure long term success in research collaboration the office also provides logistical support in the search of suitable funding sources.

佛罗里达大西洋波 is an undergraduate applied research and entrepreneurial competition that challenges 学生 to develop innovative projects that address societal issues. 学生获得发展的种子基金, 是否接触过精益创业方法论, 制作一段视频,在年终颁奖典礼上接受评审.

佛罗里达大西洋国家科学基金会第一军团 短期培训项目是否邀请教师, 工作人员, 学生, 和社区成员深入研究客户发现. This program helps innovators define their product-market fit by conducting target market interviews. I-Corps applies the Lean Startup Methodology and focuses on the customer segment and value proposition.

佛罗里达以色列研究所 is a public organization created by the Florida legislature to promote the development of enhanced governmental, 经济, 技术, 文化, 国家和以色列之间的教育和社会关系. 它由佛罗里达大西洋学院和布劳沃德学院联合管理

