International Activities

2019 - 2020 - 2021当前教师活动

欢迎访问COE国际学院网页. COVID-19已经消除了从美国到其他国家的所有旅行. At the same time international work here in the College of Education continues in terms of publishing, virtual conferences, reviewing proposals, international grants and awards, 维护国际关系.

是的,2020年的国际学术活动肯定会有所不同. With all that is happening, it must be said that international perspectives are more important to college students than ever before. Our students need to know that education from early childhood to K12 to higher education and adult and community education all look differently around the world. Having an international perspective has always been critically important to being an educated citizen.

It helps that the College of Education has an international faculty across departments. 教师来自世界各地,包括阿根廷, China, Colombia, Egypt, England, Guatemala, India, Iran, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, South Africa, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.


要了解更多关于学生和教师的国际机会,请访问 /international/


Eileen Ariza

Eileen Ariza 自2009年秋季以来我们的富布赖特校友大使. 在她的工作中,她提供离职前指导, reviews applications for the Fulbright Egyptian Student and Scholar Program and the US English Teaching Assistantship program.

  • Eileen serves as on the International Editorial Review Board for The New English Teacher Journal, 他在曼谷的Assumption大学工作, Thailand
  • 艾琳是FAU大学国际委员会的附属教员, Peace, Justice and Human Rights (PJHR)
  • Her international publications appeared in The International Journal of Diversity in Education (with Bousalia and Lapp), 以及《KU体育官网APP》, Second Edition. Edited by John I. Liontas (invited) (with E. Brown).
  • 她的国际演讲(虚拟)已经与B. Brown, S. Lapp, M. Mountford, and A. Saleh).
  • 今年3月,艾琳三次受邀在马耳他大学发表演讲, as featured speaker for the 70th session in the Malta Review of Educational Research (MRER) lecture series, Msida, Malta, and twice at the Induction Hub, in Naxxar, Malta.
  • 艾琳和苏珊娜·拉普(FAU)接受了电台采访, “Talking Eds,,这是一个关于在移民教育中使用教育技术的广播系列节目, live, in Malta. 这次采访将在校园调频电台103播出.7) towards the end of the year, and will be available as a webcast on the campus FM website:  Valetta, Malta.
  • Dr. Ariza is also on the FAU Student Fulbright ETA (English Teaching Assistant) Committee, 她在那里帮助申请富布赖特ETA职位的学生, and interviews. Her FAU student candidates, 谁在申请德国, Bulgaria, and Colombia, are very strong. 她至少有6名FAU学生申请富布赖特奖学金到国外教英语.


Maysaa Barakat

Maysaa Barakat 很自豪地宣布她与Dr. Mariela Rodriguez) Immigrant Faculty in the Academy: Narratives of identity, resilience and action by Routledge Immigrant Faculty in the Academy: Narratives of identity, resilience and action by Routledge. 许多章节都是由包括迪莉斯·舒尔曼在内的FAU教师撰写的, John Hardman, Sabrina Sembiente and others.

  • Maysaa, who is the Coordinator of the FAU-Egypt Project invited the following FAU faculty (alphabetical order) Ira Bogotch, Jennifer Freeland, John Hardman, Pat Maslin-Ostrowski, Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Dilys Schoorman, Sabrina Sembiante, Robert Shockley, and Michelle Vaughan to contribute to the following book about the Education First Foundation initiatives, 由萨尔玛·艾尔·巴克里和穆罕默德·哈姆扎编辑. 这本书将描述粮农组织-平衡的伙伴关系、访问和在开罗的培训. Education First in Arabic
  • Like many other FAU faculty, 由于COVID-19, Maysaa取消了许多国际演讲.
  • Maysaa Barakat and Daniel Reyes-Guerra have submitted a USAID Grant to continue their work in Egypt with BalancED, Education First Foundation, and the Ministry of Education.

Jenny Bloom

Jenny Bloom has been in early discussions with TecMilenio University in Mexico to translate Appreciative Advising materials and offerings into Spanish.

Ira Bogotch

Ira Bogotch co-edited a book (with K. Arar & J. Brooks) (Sept. 2019). Education, 移民和迁移:政策, 不断变化的世界中的领导力和实践, Emerald Publishers, UK

  • Ira has published (with B. Faubert et al.)发表于《KU体育官网APP》(International Journal of Leadership Education). Bauer & E. Su-Keane)发表在土耳其《KU体育官网APP》杂志上 & 领导力,客座编辑Scott Eacott.
  • 艾拉在《KU体育官网APP》的前言中写道:“他们的故事成为我们的故事。. Barakat & M. Rodriguez (co- editors). 学院的移民教师:身份、弹性和行动的叙述. Routledge, and another foreword, Refugee Education: An Unexpected Gift to Welcoming Communities in K. Arar’s book School Leadership for Refugees’ Education: Social justice leadership for immigrant, migrants and refugees. Routledge
  • Education, 移民和迁移:政策, 不断变化的世界中的领导力和实践 教育与社会正义:愿望与现实 On July 23, 2020, I participated in a Webinar on 教育与社会正义:愿望与现实. His talk was titled, The Third and Fourth Dimensions of Leadership for Social Justice. Organizers, Profs. Dr. Abdelaziz Zohri商学院 & 摩洛哥哈桑第一大学管理学院 & Dr. 卡塔尔大学教育学院Rania Sawalhi Eduenterprise联合创始人

Rina Bousalis 在意大利米兰的演讲(2020). 移民学生:社会研究课程的资产. Session presenter at the Twentieth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & 2020年6月10日至12日,在意大利米兰大学举行.

Victoria Brown

Victoria Brown: 我目前在波哥大的一所私立K12学校工作, 哥伦比亚培训他们的教师进行在线教学. I am completing a study of the teachers’ self—efficacy in using distance learning tools to teach the students.

Ali Danesh

Ali Danesh 是《KU体育官网APP》的副主编


Susan Dennett

Susan Dennett facilitated a research study class this summer where she and ten graduate students conducted a systematic literature review of Leadership Practices in Europe During a Crisis. The students worked in country cluster groups to review the practices of various European leaders during the Covid-19 crisis and other crises. Dr. Dennett and her students plan to submit their findings for a research conference presentation either late fall or early spring, 并计划提交一篇文章发表.

Susan will participate in, and submitted a conference proposal to Eucen Virtual University Lifelong Learning on her research titled: High Touch, High Feel in the Virtual Classroom: Lessons learned from a reflective practitioner. Eucen是一个总部设在欧洲的组织, comprising of lifelong learning institutions and continuing education institutions from 34 countries.

Daniel Reyes-Guerra

Daniel Reyes-Guerra 有很多教师的国际演讲被取消了吗. Here are just three:

  • Barakat, M. & Reyes-Guerra, D. (2020, August 25-28). 学校领导与全纳教育:领导多元化的学校. 欧洲教育研究会议,格拉斯哥  (Conference Canceled).
  • Reyes-Guerra D., & Barakat, M. (2020, August 25-28). The Centrality of Leadership in Social, Emotional, Instercultural/Transcultural Learning. 欧洲教育研究会议,格拉斯哥  (Conference Canceled).
  • Barakat, M. & Reyes-Guerra, D. (2020, July 1-3). Comprehensive multicultural understandings: Synthesizing current competency frameworks. 世界教育研究协会,圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉,西班牙  (Conference postponed).
  • And, like Jenny Bloom, Daniel has been in talks with the Fundación Empresarial para el Desarrollo Educativo (FEPADE), 这是一个与萨尔瓦多教育部合作的非政府组织. We have been negotiating around AID and other granting opportunities to develop school leaders in terms of social and emotional learning leadership as well as trauma-informed leadership given the economic and gang-related trauma and impediments that public schools are facing.

Dilys Schoorman

Dilys Schoorman 出版了许多国际出版物(与K. 国际批判教育学杂志,(与H. Zainuddin, & R. 移民、移民和移民教育(与R. Shah and A. 《KU体育》〔特刊〕.

  • As noted above, Dilys在两本关于Maysaa Barakat的编辑书中有章节, 另一个是与我们的埃及伙伴.
  • 和很多家庭在国外的FAU教员一样, Dilys一直在与斯里兰卡的年长亲戚保持联系

Robert Shockley

Robert Shockley is Editorial board member of the Malaysia Journal titled - The Educational Leader (Pemimpin Pendidikan)

Conducting research on teacher satisfaction with colleagues at the University of Malaya. Shockley, R., Yan-Li, S., DeDonno, M., Na, J., & Sriyanto, J., (In Review). 加权平衡满意度工具:教师工作满意度评估. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Maria Vasquez

Maria Vasquez will be on Sabbatical in Spring, 2021 conducting research in her birth country of Peru.

Dale Williams

Dale Williams will be a participant in the 2020 International Stuttering Awareness Day on-line conference in October

Dale Williams is a subject of the documentary “When I Stutter” to be shown virtually by the Australian Speak Easy Association. Dr. 威廉姆斯将在展览结束后参加一个小组讨论.